This year we have four presentations at EGU 2023: two on-site posters, one virtual poster, and an oral presentation. PhD students Felix, Jakob, and Jannik are at Vienna right hnow presenting their work, meeting colleagues, and getting up to date with the latest work on weather, climate, and geoscience research.

Jakob presented a poster on his work on a robust, multimodal representation of the diversity of ENSO events in CL2.2: ENSO and Tropical Basins Intersections session.

Jannik will present a poster tomorrow on his review of state-of-the-art deep learning models for weather prediction and their inductive biases. His poster is in the CL5.8 session on Machine Learning for CLimate Science.

Moritz presented a virtual poster on Monday on his recent paper on Empirical Distortions in Climate Networks in the NP4.1 Session on Complex system based time series analysis in the geosciences.

Felix presented a talk on his work on the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation and its relation to Pacific sea surface temperatures in the AS1.24 Monsoon systems in the past and present and future session.